Quarterly Home Care Program

Concierge home care: have a handyman on call and never worry about home maintenance again

As a home owner, you know that there is always something that needs done around the house.  It seems like every day a light bulb is burned out, the furnace filter needs to be replaced, or some other kind of project needs to be urgently completed before the weather changes.  It’s only natural to lament a simpler time of living in an apartment, when maintenance was someone else’s problem.


Quick question – what if you could enjoy all of the benefits of owning your home without having to make the seemingly weekly sacrifice of spending an hour roaming the nearest home improvement store to gather supplies for a project that will eat half of your free time?

When you were in the process of buying your home chances are you weren’t thinking about how much time you would need to devote to maintaining it – you were dreaming about the dinner parties you’d host, the movie nights you’d have, how the backyard would be a perfect place for kids and a dog to play.

Sure, you knew that such a big investment would have to be maintained but it can be surprising just how much time that can take up in your schedule.  Especially when that schedule is already jam packed with work trips, your kids activities, holidays, etc.  You run yourself ragged getting from one appointment to the next only to get to a point in the week when you think you might get to catch a breather and instead find you need to spend 30 minutes to an hour unclogging your garbage disposal or doing some other annoying but necessary thing around the house.

Invariably all of the little annoying but necessary things start to add up.  You find yourself arguing with your spouse about who’s responsibility it is to take care of what or nagging each other about the things you keep putting off.  You think you’ll get the kids involved in helping around the house only to find you still have to come behind them and make sure things are done right.  It seems like no matter what you do there is no end in sight to getting things done around the house.

And then, right when you think taking care of your home can’t get more stressful and annoying, something breaks and you have to figure out how you’re going to deal with that.

Do you call someone or do you spend all day watching YouTube videos and going back and forth to the home improvement store?  If you call someone, who are you going to call?  Are they going to charge you an arm and a leg to come right away?  Can you trust that they’ll actually fix the issue?  It’s just another headache to deal with.

Your home should be your sanctuary, not another annoying thing you have to check off your already too full to-do list.  After all, you didn’t buy your home just for it to be one more thing keeping you from spending your time doing the things you actually want to do.

That’s why we created the Quarterly Home Care Program

All members of our Home Care Program receive the following benefits:

  • Access to a personalized customer portal for scheduling, reviewing estimates, and tracking of work.
  • Discounted handyman rates 
  • Discounted management rates for small projects or home repair emergencies
  • Builder discounts at participating vendors (Bonnycastle Appliance, Ferguson, Louisville Tile, and more) 
  • Trade Works approved Trade Partner referrals upon request. 
  • The ability to transfer the remainder of your QHCP to a new home when you move or leave it to the new owners of the home you are selling
  • The peace of mind of knowing those who are caring for your home and never needing to worry about who to call or if they will show up ever again!


  • A once quarterly visit during which a home service professional will complete:
    • An interior and exterior home inspection to ensure the home is prepared for the seasonal weather and check for anything that may need maintenanced or repaired
      • A list of findings and quotes will be provided to the homeowner with no obligation to approve the work
    • Change air filters (mid-range 1” filter is included in cost of service, larger filters will be an additional charge for cost of filter)
    • Once yearly cleaning of your air conditioner’s condensate drain
    • Check and replace light bulbs in recessed cans and light fixtures